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  • Acknowledges harm to be an integral part of the human experience and that experiencing harm is one of the many ways our lives, minds, and hearts adapt to the world

  • Recognizes that harm happens on both an interpersonal and an institutional level, and that holistic approaches seek to reduce the harm perpetuated by both;

  • Understands that people perceive and experience the world differently; what is harmful or traumatic for one may be an act of resilience to another and these perceptions can evolve over time;

  • Puts forth that harm is often a result of the lengths some people must go to survive; a survival which is compromised by institutional harm and violence;

  • Honors the many ways that survival and healing look without condemning or glorifying how people survive and heal;​

  • Values holding space and time for connection, learning, unlearning, elevation, and liberation;

  • Centers shared, individual, and intersecting experiences of colonization, anti-blackness and racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, classism, ableism and other oppressions;

  • Supports holistic, tailored approaches to restoration and reparation as well as practical strategies to reduce harm and increase access to resources;

  • Elevates community-based, intergenerational and cultural approaches to resilience that are led by the people most impacted by the issue at hand; and

  • Holds systems of power and privilege accountable and addresses power imbalances through transformative justice models that prioritize restoration over punishment, rather than relying on violent and exploitative state-sponsored systems.

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